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<title>jQuery手机屏幕手势解锁代码 </title>





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<div class="mhn-ui-time">6:02 PM</div>

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<div class="mhn-ui-date">10月 10, 2019</div>


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<p class="text-center">Hi, It's me Mohan. I'm a web and graphics designer. Designing is my passion and I have been working on various designing projects.</p>

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<p>jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.</p>




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<div class="mhn-ui-info">绘制'Z'形状开始解锁:)</div>


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$(function() {



mhnUI = {

pattern: "",

setup: function() {

this.lock(), this.filter(), this.colors(), this.links.setup(), this.dialog.setup(), setInterval("mhnUI.datetime()", 1e3)


lock: function() {

mhnUI.page.hide(), pattern = new PatternLock(".mhn-lock", {

margin: 15

}), $(".mhn-lock-title").html($(".mhn-lock-title").data("title")), pattern.checkForPattern("1235789", function() {

$(".mhn-lock-title").html('<span>Yes! you unlocked pattern</span>'), $(".patt-holder").addClass("patt-success"), setTimeout(function() {

pattern.reset(), mhnUI.message()

}, 1e3), mhnUI.page.show()

}, function() {

$(".mhn-lock-title").html('<span>Opps! pattern is not correct</span>'), $(".patt-holder").removeClass("patt-success"), setTimeout(function() {

pattern.reset(), mhnUI.message()

}, 2e3)



message: function() {

$(".mhn-lock-title span").fadeOut(), setTimeout(function() {

$(".mhn-lock-title").html($(".mhn-lock-title").data("title")), $(".mhn-lock-title span").fadeIn()

}, 500)


datetime: function() {

var t = new Array("星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六"),

e = new Array("一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月"),

n = new Date,

i = n.getYear();

1e3 > i && (i += 1900);

var a = n.getDay(),

o = n.getMonth(),

s = n.getDate();

10 > s && (s = "0" + s);

var h = n.getHours(),

c = n.getMinutes(),

u = n.getSeconds(),

l = "AM";

h >= 12 && (l = "PM"), h > 12 && (h -= 12), 0 == h && (h = 12), 9 >= c && (c = "0" + c), 9 >= u && (u = "0" + u), $(".mhn-ui-date-time .mhn-ui-day").text(t[a]), $(".mhn-ui-date-time .mhn-ui-date").text(e[o] + " " + s + ", " + i), $(".mhn-ui-date-time .mhn-ui-time").text(h + ":" + c + " " + l), $(".mhn-ui-app-time").text(h + ":" + c + ":" + u + " " + l)


page: {

show: function(t) {

t = t ? t : "page-home", $(".mhn-ui-page").hide(), $(".mhn-ui-page." + t).show()


hide: function(t) {

t = t ? t : "page-lock", $(".mhn-ui-page").hide(), $(".mhn-ui-page." + t).show()



filter: function() {

$(".mhn-ui-filter .mhn-ui-btn").click(function() {

$(this).toggleClass("active"), $(".mhn-ui-filter-list").toggle(100)

}), $(".mhn-ui-filter-list>div").click(function() {

var t = $(this).data("filter");

$(this).siblings().removeAttr("class"), $(this).addClass("active");

var e = function(t) {

$(".mhn-ui-apps .mhn-ui-col").fadeOut(400), $('.mhn-ui-apps .mhn-ui-col[data-filter="' + t + '"]').fadeIn(400)


switch(t) {

case "all":

$(".mhn-ui-apps .mhn-ui-col").fadeIn(400);


case "general":



case "social":



case "credits":



$(".mhn-ui-filter-list").toggle(100), $(".mhn-ui-filter .mhn-ui-btn").removeClass("active"), $(".mhn-ui-page-title").text($(this).text())



colors: function() {

$(".mhn-ui-icon span").on("mouseover", function() {

$(this).css("background", $(this).data("color"))

}).on("mouseout", function() {




links: {

setup: function() {

$(".mhn-ui-apps .mhn-ui-icon").click(function() {

var t = $(this).data("href"),

e = $(this).data("open");

t && mhnUI.links.href(t), e && mhnUI.page.show(e)



href: function(t) {




dialog: {

setup: function() {

$('.mhn-ui-dialog-wrap,.mhn-ui-dialog-wrap a[data-action="cancel"]').click(function() {


}), $(".mhn-ui-dialog").click(function(t) {


}), $('.mhn-ui-dialog a[data-action="confirm"]').click(function() {

setTimeout(function() {


}, 400)



show: function(t) {

$('.mhn-ui-dialog-wrap a[data-action="confirm"]').attr("href", t), $(".mhn-ui-dialog-wrap").show()


hide: function() {

$('.mhn-ui-dialog-wrap a[data-action="confirm"]').removeAttr("href"), $(".mhn-ui-dialog-wrap").fadeOut(400)






    patternLock.js v 0.5.0


! function(t, e, n, a) {

"use strict";


function r(t) {

for(var e = t.holder, n = t.option, a = n.matrix, r = n.margin, i = n.radius, o = ['<ul style="padding:' + r + 'px">'], s = 0, l = a[0] * a[1]; l > s; s++) o.push('<li style="margin:' + r + "px; width : " + 2 * i + "px; height : " + 2 * i + "px; -webkit-border-radius: " + i + "px; -moz-border-radius: " + i + "px; border-radius: " + i + 'px; "><div></div></li>');

o.push("</ul>"), e.html(o.join("")).css({

width: a[1] * (2 * i + 2 * r) + 2 * r + "px",

height: a[0] * (2 * i + 2 * r) + 2 * r + "px"

}), t.pattCircle = t.holder.find(".patt-circ")



function i(t, e, n, a) {

var r = e - t,

i = a - n;

return {

length: Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(r * r + i * i)),

angle: Math.round(180 * Math.atan2(i, r) / Math.PI)




function o() {}


function s(e, n) {

var a = this,

i = a.token = Math.random(),

h = p[i] = new o,

u = h.holder = t(e);

if(0 != u.length) {

h.object = a, n = h.option = t.extend({}, s.defaults, n), r(h), u.addClass("patt-holder"), "static" == u.css("position") && u.css("position", "relative"), u.on("touchstart mousedown", function(t) {

d.call(this, t, a)

}), h.option.onDraw = n.onDraw || l;

var c = n.mapper;

h.mapperFunc = "object" == typeof c ? function(t) {

return c[t]

} : "function" == typeof c ? c : l, h.option.mapper = null



var l = function() {},

p = {},

d = function(e, a) {


var r = p[a.token];

if(!r.disabled) {

r.option.patternVisible || r.holder.addClass("patt-hidden");

var i = "touchstart" == e.type ? "touchmove" : "mousemove",

o = "touchstart" == e.type ? "touchend" : "mouseup";

t(this).on(i + ".pattern-move", function(t) {

h.call(this, t, a)

}), t(n).one(o, function() {

u.call(this, e, a)


var s = r.holder.find(".patt-wrap"),

l = s.offset();

r.wrapTop = l.top, r.wrapLeft = l.left, a.reset()



h = function(e, n) {


var a = e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX,

r = e.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY,

o = p[n.token],

s = o.pattCircle,

l = o.patternAry,

d = o.option.lineOnMove,

h = o.getIdxFromPoint(a, r),

u = h.idx,

c = o.mapperFunc(u) || u;

if(l.length > 0) {

var f = i(o.lineX1, h.x, o.lineY1, h.y);


width: f.length + 10 + "px",

transform: "rotate(" + f.angle + "deg)"



if(u) {

if(-1 == l.indexOf(c)) {

var v, m = t(s[u - 1]);

if(o.lastPosObj) {

for(var g = o.lastPosObj, x = g.i, w = g.j, b = Math.abs(h.i - x), j = Math.abs(h.j - w);

(0 == b && j > 1 || 0 == j && b > 1 || j == b && j > 1) && (w != h.j || x != h.i);) {

x = b ? Math.min(h.i, x) + 1 : x, w = j ? Math.min(h.j, w) + 1 : w, b = Math.abs(h.i - x), j = Math.abs(h.j - w);

var M = (w - 1) * o.option.matrix[1] + x,

y = o.mapperFunc(M) || M; - 1 == l.indexOf(y) && (t(s[M - 1]).addClass("hovered"), l.push(y))


v = [], h.j - g.j > 0 ? v.push("s") : h.j - g.j < 0 ? v.push("n") : 0, h.i - g.i > 0 ? v.push("e") : h.i - g.i < 0 ? v.push("w") : 0, v = v.join("-")


m.addClass("hovered"), l.push(c);

var P = o.option.margin,

k = o.option.radius,

C = (h.i - 1) * (2 * P + 2 * k) + 2 * P + k,

O = (h.j - 1) * (2 * P + 2 * k) + 2 * P + k;

if(1 != l.length) {

var D = i(o.lineX1, C, o.lineY1, O);


width: D.length + 10 + "px",

transform: "rotate(" + D.angle + "deg)"

}), d || o.line.show()


v && (o.lastElm.addClass(v + " dir"), o.line.addClass(v + " dir"));

var E = t('<div style="top:' + (O - 5) + "px; left:" + (C - 5) + 'px"></div>');

o.line = E, o.lineX1 = C, o.lineY1 = O, o.holder.append(E), d || o.line.hide(), o.lastElm = m


o.lastPosObj = h



u = function(t, e) {


var n = p[e.token],

a = n.patternAry.join("");

n.holder.off(".pattern-move").removeClass("patt-hidden"), a && (n.option.onDraw(a), n.line.remove(), n.rightPattern && (a == n.rightPattern ? n.onSuccess() : (n.onError(), e.error())))


o.prototype = {

constructor: o,

getIdxFromPoint: function(t, e) {

var n = this.option,

a = n.matrix,

r = t - this.wrapLeft,

i = e - this.wrapTop,

o = null,

s = n.margin,

l = 2 * n.radius + 2 * s,

p = Math.ceil(r / l),

d = Math.ceil(i / l),

h = r % l,

u = i % l;

return p <= a[1] && d <= a[0] && h > 2 * s && u > 2 * s && (o = (d - 1) * a[1] + p), {

idx: o,

i: p,

j: d,

x: r,

y: i



}, s.prototype = {

constructor: s,

option: function(t, e) {

var n = p[this.token],

i = n.option;

return e === a ? i[t] : (i[t] = e, void(("margin" == t || "matrix" == t || "radius" == t) && r(n)))


getPattern: function() {

return p[this.token].patternAry.join("")


setPattern: function(t) {

var e = p[this.token],

n = e.option,

a = n.matrix,

r = n.margin,

i = n.radius;

if(n.enableSetPattern) {

this.reset(), e.wrapLeft = 0, e.wrapTop = 0;

for(var o = 0; o < t.length; o++) {

var s = t[o] - 1,

d = s % a[1],

u = Math.floor(s / a[1]),

c = d * (2 * r + 2 * i) + 2 * r + i,

f = u * (2 * r + 2 * i) + 2 * r + i;

h.call(null, {

pageX: c,

pageY: f,

preventDefault: l,

originalEvent: {

touches: [{

pageX: c,

pageY: f



}, this)




enable: function() {

var t = p[this.token];

t.disabled = !1


disable: function() {

var t = p[this.token];

t.disabled = !0


reset: function() {

var t = p[this.token];

t.pattCircle.removeClass("hovered dir s n w e s-w s-e n-w n-e"), t.holder.find(".patt-lines").remove(), t.patternAry = [], t.lastPosObj = null, t.holder.removeClass("patt-error patt-success")


error: function() {



checkForPattern: function(t, e, n) {

var a = p[this.token];

a.rightPattern = t, a.onSuccess = e || l, a.onError = n || l


}, s.defaults = {

matrix: [3, 3],

margin: 20,

radius: 25,

patternVisible: !0,

lineOnMove: !0,

enableSetPattern: !1

}, e.PatternLock = s

}(jQuery, window, document);


黄老师 @南通科迅教育














