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野生Offer 4.0|2023年度时尚科系榜单终章,百余名国际Top学员成果向您汇报!

作者:野生国际艺术中心 来源:野生国际艺术中心 2023/9/18 16:54:59

❗️ 2023 Fall申请季野生时尚Offer榜来啦!...

❗️ 2023 Fall申请季野生时尚Offer榜来啦! 压在开学前最后一轮的录取结束,重磅成果布榜! 在本轮时尚科系榜单4.0中,我们依然强势!突破性斩获国际Top院校时尚专业Offer 200+! 在野生第2波榜单中,我们依然不负众望,强势收获来自全球各Top院校多专业Offer 100+!💥 其中包括CSM圣马丁、Parsons帕森斯、LCF伦敦时装学院、CMU卡耐基梅隆、Gatech佐治亚理工、NYU纽约大学等国际院校,其中包括 人机交互、信息设计、服务设计、创意编程、时装与纺织品设计、摄影、时尚传媒、时尚管理等 专业的Offer🎉🎉 在野生第3波榜单中,野生强势斩国际Top院校2D专业Offer 80+!💥 涵盖的院校有:RCA皇艺、Parsons帕森斯、CSM圣马丁、LCC伦敦传媒、Goldsmiths金史密斯、Edinburgh爱丁堡大学、SVA纽约视觉艺术学院等院校,涵盖 纯艺、摄影、视觉传达、动画、交互等专业,涉及当代艺术与实践、当代摄影、动态媒体、品牌形象设计、雕塑、插画、版画 等方向等专业Offer多封👏🏻👏🏻 在本轮时尚科系榜单4.0中,我们依然强势斩获国际Top院校时尚专业Offer 200+!💥 涵盖的院校有:RCA皇艺、Parsons帕森斯、CSM圣马丁、RISD罗德岛( 罗德岛,你没看错!罗德的纺织品硕士,还有谁!!! )LCF伦时、Chelsea切尔西、Goldsmiths金史密斯、SCAD萨凡纳、南安普顿、 Westminster威斯敏斯特、Glasgow格拉斯哥艺术学院 等院校,涵盖 时装设计、配饰设计、纺织品设计、时尚管理、时尚传媒等专业,涉及男/女装设计、版型与制衣技术、戏服设计、珠宝/鞋靴设计、生物设计、未来纺织品、时尚电影和数字制作、全球时尚零售、奢侈品牌管理、时尚市场与品牌 等方向等专业Offer多封👏🏻👏🏻 在23Fall申请季中,Fashion(男/女装、时尚配饰、纺织品、时尚传媒、时尚管理)BA本科全类目保录服务保录通过!完美交付!MA硕士亦实现交付拿下多个大满贯,获得了 UAL RCA TOP等级 offer/全部申请英国UAL或RCA的学生,经再三核实录取*高!!!
2023 FALL复杂的申请形势不言而喻,野生依然不负众望,负重前行,带领野生学员给出了2023申请季一份完美答卷 !甚至小红本!!!
🔗 点击图片查看 野 生ZHU同学获得CSC国家留学基金委 公派留学资格!!! 每年200+ 的Top Offer ,连续8年 ,6000多项目,同时每一个的背后都是不计其数的专业服务、专业投入和付出! *是野生*好的名片,回望8年,野生不仅仅有量的累计,更有质的效应,不断实现滚雪球式的发展🚀

同时,我们 也看到了众多学员完成了从0到1的完美蜕,最终拿下梦校Offer,蓦然回首、意气风发!这似乎印证了:在实力面前,所有都不值一提! 再次祝贺已经拿到梦校Offer的野生学员们,你们的未来一定更加精彩,流年笑掷、未来可期,无所畏惧、尽管搏手前行! 🤩🤩🤩 YESHENG OFFER TOP FASHION 2023FALL

XIANG 同学 Royal College of Art Fashion (MA) (硕士) WU 同学 Royal College of Art Fashion(MA) (硕士)

TAN 同学 Royal College of Art Fashion(MA) (硕士) QI 同学 Royal College of Art Fashion(MA) (硕士)

LI 同学 Royal College of Art Fashion (MA) (硕士) LIU 同学 Royal College of Art Fashion(MA) (硕士)

LIAO 同学 Royal College of Art Fashion (MA) (硕士) LI 同学 Royal College of Art Fashion(MA) (硕士)

ZHOU 同学 Royal College of Art Fashion(MA) (硕士) HU 同学 Royal College of Art Fashion(MA) (硕士)

FAN 同学 Royal College of Art Fashion (MA) (硕士) WANG 同学 Royal College of Art Fashion(MA) (硕士)

WANG 同学 London College of Fashion Womenswear(MA) (硕士) XU 同学 London College of Fashion Womenswear(MA) (硕士)

LI 同学 London College of Fashion Pattern and Garment Technology(MA) (硕士) ZHANG 同学 London College of Fashion Menswear(MA) (硕士)

SHEN 同学 Parsons School of Design, The New School Fashion(BA) (本科) CHEN 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Pattern Cutting(BA) (本科)

LIU 同学 London College of Fashion Costume Design for Farformance (MA) (硕士) ZHANG 同学 Wimbiedon College of Arts Theatre and Performance Design (MA) (硕士)

WANG 同学 Central Saint Martins Foundation Diploma In Art And Design HU 同学 Central Saint Martins Performance: Design and Practice (MA) (硕士)

WANG 同学 University of Westminster Fashion (BA) (本科) LV 同学 London College of Fashion International Preparation for Fashion

WANG 同学 Kingston University London Fashion (BA) (本科) CHEN 同学 School of the Art Institute of Chicago Fashion (BA) (本科)

YAO 同学 Fashion Institute of Technology Fashion (MA) (硕士) LI 同学 Fashion Institute of Technology Fashion (MA) (硕士)

YANG 同学 Kingston University London Fashion (MA) (硕士) YAO 同学 Kingston University London Fashion (MA) (硕士)

ZHANG 同学 Goldsmiths,University of London Fashion (MA) (硕士) LIU 同学 Goldsmiths,University of London Fashion (MA) (硕士)

WU 同学 The University of Southampton Fashion (MA) (硕士) RAO 同学 The University of Southampton Fashion (MA) (硕士)

ZHOU 同学 The University of Southampton Fashion (MA) (硕士) WANG 同学 The Glasgow School of Art Fashion (MA) (硕士)

LIU 同学 The Glasgow School of Art Fashion (MA) (硕士) LIU 同学 Birmingham City University Fashion (MA) (硕士)

ZHOU同学 Birmingham City University Fashion (MA) (硕士) ZHOU同学 Nottingham Trent University Fashion (MA) (硕士)

XIANG 同学 University for the Creative Arts Fashion (MA) (硕士) QIAN同学 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Fashion (MA) (硕士)

LU 同学 Central Saint Martins Biodesign (MA) (硕士) JIANG 同学 Central Saint Martins Biodesign (MA) (硕士)

CHEN 同学 Rhode Island School of Design Textiles(MFA) (硕士) CHEN 同学 Parsons School of Design, The New School Textiles(MFA) (硕士)

ZHOU 同学 Royal College of Art Textiles(MA) (硕士) ZHU 同学 Royal College of Art Textiles(MA) (硕士)

ZHANG 同学 Royal College of Art Textiles(MA) (硕士) SONG 同学 Royal College of Art Textiles(MA) (硕士)

LIAO 同学 Royal College of Art Textiles(MA) (硕士) LI 同学 Royal College of Art Textiles(MA) (硕士)

HU 同学 Royal College of Art Textiles(MA) (硕士) HE 同学 Royal College of Art Textiles(MA) (硕士)

FAN 同学 Royal College of Art Textiles(MA) (硕士) CHEN 同学 Royal College of Art Textiles(MA) (硕士)

YU 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Textiles: Print(BA) (本科) LIU 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Textiles: Print(BA) (本科)

JIANG 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Textiles: Print(BA) (本科) HE 同学 London College of Fashion Textiles(MA) (硕士)

LU 同学 UAL,Chelsea College of Arts Textiles Design(MA) (硕士) JIANG 同学 UAL,Chelsea College of Arts Textiles Design(MA) (硕士)

CHEN 同学 UAL,Chelsea College of Arts Textiles Design(MA) (硕士) HE 同学 The University of Southampton Textiles Design(MA) (硕士)

HE 同学 Nottingham Trent University Textiles(MA) (硕士) HE 同学 Birmingham City University Textiles(MA) (硕士)

ZHANG 同学 Parsons School of Design, The New School Fashion Management(MFA) (硕士) HANG 同学 Parsons School of Design, The New School Fashion Management(MFA) (硕士)

ZHU 同学 University of Manchester International Fashion Retailing (MSc) (硕士) MA 同学 Central Saint Martins Innovation Management(MA) (硕士)

FAN 同学 Central Saint Martins Innovation Management(MA) (硕士) XU 同学 Central Saint Martins FoundationDiploma In Art And Design

YU 同学 London College of Fashion Global Fashion Retailing(MA) (硕士) XU 同学 London College of Fashion Global Fashion Retailing(MA) (硕士)

WANG 同学 London College of Fashion Applied Psychology in Fashion(MSc) (硕士) LU 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Media and Communication (MA) (硕士)

LU 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion, Film and Digital Production(MA) (硕士) LIU 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Analytics and Forecasting(MSc) (硕士)

DU 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Media and Communication (MA) (硕士) LIU 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Media and Communication (MA) (硕士)

LIANG 同学 London College of Fashion Strategic Fashion Marketing(MA) (硕士) LIANG 同学 London College of Fashion Global Fashion Retailing(MA) (硕士)

LI 同学 London College of Fashion Innovation Fashion Production(MA) (硕士) ZHANG 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Cultures and Histories (MA) (硕士)

HU 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Entrepreneurship and lnnovation(MA) (硕士) HU同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Design Management (MA) (硕士)

HU 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Futures(MA) (硕士) HUANG 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Marketing and Sustainability S2V(MA) (硕士)

LIU 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Futures(MA) (硕士) YANG 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Futures(MA) (硕士)

ZHOU 同学 London College of Fashion Fashion Futures(MA) (硕士) MA 同学 University of Westminster Fashion Business Management(MA) (硕士)

HANG 同学 LIM College Global Fashion Supply Chain Management(MA) (硕士) HANG 同学 Savannah College of Art and Design Luxurv and Brnad Management(MFA) (硕士)

HUANG 同学 Goldsmiths,University of London International Retail Business, Sustainability & Technologies (MA) (硕士) HUANG 同学 University of Leeds Fashion Enterprise and Society(MA) (硕士)

JIA 同学 Birmingham City University Fashion Management(MA) (硕士) LI 同学 Kingston University London Marketing& Brnad Management (MA) (硕士)

MA同学 University of Westminster Fashion Business Management (MA) (硕士) SONG 同学 Kingston University London Sustainable Fashion: Business and Practices (MA) (硕士)

AN 同学 Royal College of Art Jewellery and Metal(MA) (硕士) HU 同学 Royal College of Art Jewellery and Metal(MA) (硕士)

WANG 同学 Royal College of Art Fashion(MA) (硕士) XU 同学 London College of Fashion Innovative Fashion Production(MA) (硕士)

2023年当季作品集成果展览 “是学员客户的喜悦 是深耕的积累与沉淀 更是价值的宣言” 👇 本次我们邀请了最新申请季41位优秀的Top学员,借由他们的PORTFOLIO作品集来窥探这个多样而真实的后疫情世界。通过他们的作品,我们可以看到对“服装的本质”、“虚拟人及人类未来身份”、“生物与技术共存” 、“AI发展情感”、“人机智能交互”、“数字设计”、“可持续与循环设计”、“全球创新时尚管理”、“Z世代时尚传媒”等重要议题的探讨,并赋予针对未来设计符号的大胆想象与实践,深切感受到对当下艺术设计教育理念的颠覆与升级。

🔗 写不完的专访 写得出的态度👇 服装纺织品设计·FASHION & TEXTILEDESIGN
✺ CONSULTANT:YS 新媒体实验室 ✺ PRODUCTION:YS 新媒体实验室 ✺ EDIT:YS 新媒体实验室 ✺ VISION:Sarah ✺ AUDIT:6V ☉本文图片来源网络,如有侵权请及时联系我方☉ ☉ 本文系野生国际艺术中心原创☉ ☉未经许可,谢绝一切形式的转载☉
齐老师 @上海野生国际艺术教育














